Typee Software is Open Source

This means that you can get a free access to the whole code developed for this project.

We develop this code, currently in Python 3.8, with a configuration management system: GitHub. if you don’t know what is GitHub, click on the link and scroll down the displayed page. You will get there explanations about what it is and what it does.

Typee GitHub Repository

If you are an experienced software developer, then you know what is this. The whole developed code for project Typee plus the Open Source code that has been used to develop Typee is directly accessible at our GitHub repository: https://github.com/Typee-Language/Typee/.

You will get there access to the whole code that we have developed.

Remember: Typee is currently under developement, we are a very small team and our GitHub repository exactly reflects the actual status of the project development.

Typee Project Archive Download

As soon as a first revision of the Typee Translator will be available, you will be able to download the whole project as a .tar.gz or a .zip archive at this address: https://typee-language.github.io/Typee/.

Of course, we will inform everyone about its availability on our Web site as well as on our Facebook account and our Twitter account.
Meanwhile, just be patient before things get ready… and enjoy monitoring the progress of the project!