– Typee Documentation –

3 – Typee Language Description

3.0 – Introduction

Here we are, where we fully describe language Typee.

Well, this part of this site is currently under construction. But we are completing it a little bit more every day.

Let’s first remind what is Typee: a translated programming language, neither compiled nor interpreted. From a single description of a program, written in Typee, many translations into C++, Java and Python can be obtained and run under different operating systems.

The aim of project Typee is to prove that such translations from the unambiguous formal specification of a computer language into the unambiguous formal specification of another computer language can be done without ambiguities, or if this is not possible under what constraints or limitations this is definitively possible.

Since we are currently developing a PoC (Proof of Concept) for this, we will enhance, modify et augment this documentation during the whole duration of this development. Final documentation will eventually be released and we will inform of this when the process will have been completed. Of course, this not the case up today.

Please notice that the available text here relates to v9-3 of Typee grammar while specification of the grammar is now vervion v10. We’re currently adding and modifying the content of next pages accordingly. This work is on progress.

Subsections here are:

So, let’s start with a general presentation of Typee.

Notice: while writting this documentation, we have decided to add syntax coloring to the many examples provided here. You will find some sections with syntax coloring while others get only bolded keywords. We are actually on the way of coloring all the example codes.

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