– Typee Documentation –

5 – Typee Built-in Libraries


Typee is provided with built-in libraries. These libraries are provided as modules to be import-ed in your modules. The built-in libraries content may then be used within your importing modules. Those built-in libraries are provided to ease or to optimize programming tasks and are all translatable into every defined translated programming languages.

This part of the documentation is currently under progress. Each built-in library is described in a separate sub-section. Sub-sections are not numbered here since built-in libraries will be continuously added. They nevertheless are listed in alphabetical (lower-case) order

We describe in this section the list of the many Typee built-in libraries as well as their specificities. Clic any one to go to the related sub-section (when available):

  • Csv (still to come) – all about CSV programming
  • Date (still to come) – all about dates manipulations
  • Files (still to come) – goodies about programming files
  • Gui (still to come) – a generic graphical User Interface library
  • Html (still to come) – HTML documents manipulations
  • Json (still to come) – all about JSon data format
  • Logging (still to come) – how to track events and log them in files
  • Maths (still to come) – Mathematics module
  • OpenCV (still to come) – Abstract layer above OpenCV image processing library
  • OpenGL (still to come) – Abstract layer over OpenGL 3 processing library
  • OpSys (still to come) – all about the underlying Operating System
  • Probas (still to come) – all about Probabilities
  • Process (still to come) – Multi-Processing parallelism Library
  • Random – Randomness with no defects
  • SQLite (still to come) – SQL-like generic library
  • Strings (still to come) – goodies about programming strings
  • SysTime – all about System time, Cpu time and Process time manipulations
  • Thread (still to come) – Multi-Threading and Asynchronism Library
  • Time (still to come) – all about time manipulations
  • Web (still to come) – all about Web browsing, URLs and the like

Next section explains built-in library Csv.

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