www.typee.ovh is a personal site hosted by a French web sites host, OVH. Host servers are located in France, European Union. While www.typee.ovh is not for any commercial use, French law requires us to publish legal mentions. As you can see, they are very minimalist. Here they are, in French.

Ce site, www.typee.ovh, est hébergé par la société
OVH, 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
tél. : +33 9 72 10 10 07

Vous pouvez également prendre contact avec l’Administrateur de ce site en envoyant un courriel à  l’adresse :
PostMaster (at) typee.ovh

Ok, so in English, all the above stuff means that we are proudly hosted by a French company, OVH, whose address, phone number and web site are explicitely mentioned here above. Meanwhile, you can also get in touch with us directly by e-mailing to our Administrator whose e-mail address is given at previous paragraph also.

These were the only legal mentions we had to provide for this Web site.

Do not hesitate to have a look also at our Privacy Policy. It can be read via the corresponding link at the footer of this page – and you will eventually see there how much kind people we are!
