www.typee.ovh is not a commercial site.

It only aims at presenting a generic programming language.

As such, it does not collect any data from visitors.

At no time and on no page of this site …

… will you be proposed to register, to log-in, to provide a name or a pseudo, to contribute or to donate. The only way you can get in touch with us is via e-mail – see “Contact Us” links at top and bottom of this site pages.

… do we collect navigation data, IP addresses, MAC addresses, personnal devices IDs and the like. Our database is only used by WordPress to manage our Web pages content and the WordPress Theme we have chosen for them.

Remember: Typee is an Open Source Project!

No Cookies!

Finally, since we are neither concerned with your identity nor interested in your navigations, we do not use any cookies and save no data on your personal devices.

For French visitors: this is the reason why we do not ask you to accept cookies (to get the best of your navigation on this site or to be better recommended with Ads of interest to you and blah blah blah) or to reject them, since you will never be bothered by cookies on our site, since your navigation will always be the best on our site without cookies and since we will never recommend you anything here (but programming with Typee, of course – hey, what did you expect?)

(pour nos visiteurs français : nous n’utilisions pas la technologie des cookies. C’est là la raison pour laquelle nous n’avons pas à vous demander de les accepter (pour tirer le meilleur de votre navigation sur notre site, ou pour recevoir les pubs les plus intéressantes pour vos profils, etc. etc. etc.) ou de les rejeter puisque vous ne serez jamais importunés par des cookies sur notre site, puisque votre navigation sera toujours la meilleure même sans cookies et puisque, par ailleurs, nous n’aurons jamais rien à vous recommander ici (sauf de programmer en Typee, évidemment – hey, what did you expect?)
